IRATA (Industrial Rope Access Trade Association) rope access system is a safe method of working at height where ropes and associated equipment are used to gain access to and from the work position, and to be supported there. “Rope Access in Philippines”, “Rope Access Philippines”, “Rope Access Training Philippines”, “ IRATA Courses Philippines”, “IRATA Rope Access Training”.
The advantage of using rope access methods mainly lies in the safety and speed with which workers can get to or from difficult locations in order to carry out their work, often with minimal impact on other operations, surrounding areas and the environment. Another major benefit is the reduction of the combination of the total man-hours and perceived level of risk for a particular task (man-at-risk hours) when compared with other means of access and their associated risks and costs. “Rope Access in Australia”, “Rope Access Perth”, “Rope Access Training WA”, “ IRATA Courses perth”, “IRATA Rope Access Training”, “Rope Access”, “Rope Access Training”, “Rope Access Courses”, “IRATA”.
The primary objective when using rope access methods is to carry out the work efficiently, with minimal accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences. In order to ensure a safe system of work is maintained at all times, whilst avoiding damage to property or harm to the environment, careful planning and documented risk assessments are undertaken for each operation. Graviteq provides only IRATA certified technicians“Rope Access in Australia”, “Rope Access Perth”, “Rope Access Training WA”, “ IRATA Courses perth”, “IRATA Rope Access Training”.
IRATA International has a continuously evolving regime of work procedures that members are required to follow and which are monitored for compliance to ensure that a safe system of work is established and maintained. This sets IRATA International member companies apart from non-member rope access Companies in Australia. Non-member companies are not subject to such a rigorous monitoring, controls and IRATA’s robust rope access Training, Assessment and Certification Scheme (TACS). “Rope Access in Australia”, “Rope Access Perth”, “Rope Access Training WA”, “ IRATA Courses perth”, “IRATA Rope Access Training”, “Rope Access”, “Rope Access Training”, “Rope Access Courses”, “IRATA”.
Like any other method for working at height, the application of rope access should be regarded as a complete system, in which planning, management, competence and suitable equipment should be treated with equal importance, as each is dependent on the other to ensure a safe system of work.
Created in response to a specific need in the inspection and maintenance of offshore oil platforms, IRATA International spent the following 29 years providing operational solutions to the work-at-height and confined access sectors and, in doing so, has constantly shown its procedures to be more effective and efficient than many of the mechanised access systems available to the market. “Rope Access in Australia”, “Rope Access Perth”, “Rope Access Training WA”, “ IRATA Courses perth”, “IRATA Rope Access Training”, “Rope Access”, “Rope Access Training”, “Rope Access Courses”, “IRATA”.
Furthermore, it has shown that Perth rope access courses, when undertaken by a professionally trained and well-supervised workforce operating to set and established procedures, can deliver safe working to a level unmatched by other methods. Once IRATA International members had proven themselves offshore it was quickly seen that rope access had many applications onshore too.
Today, IRATA teams can be seen at work on the world’s great iconic buildings, both old and new, as well as your local city centre or industrial complex; it also is widely used in the natural environment such as cliffs and rock formations and has significantly expanded its work portfolio offshore. “Rope Access in Australia”, “Rope Access Perth”, “Rope Access Training WA”, “ IRATA Courses perth”, “IRATA Rope Access Training”.
Industrial rope access is a means by which workmen can get to a position where they can safely apply themselves to the work required and, with modern building design creating ever more challenging extravagant shapes and at greater heights, rope access technicians can work around such obstacles and design features that prohibit the use of other forms of access.
IRATA International is a trade association run by its Members. Recent years have seen the organisation grow at a remarkable pace to a point where it has member companies in every continent who collectively work in excess of 22 million hours on ropes every year; a substantial number of rope access technicians are trained and assessed every year and over 140,000 are currently registered with the Association. “Rope Access in Australia”, “Rope Access Perth”, “Rope Access Training WA”, “ IRATA Courses perth”, “IRATA Rope Access Training”.
In the 21st century this non-mechanised and environmentally friendly means of access is destined to become an ever-increasing choice for those commissioning safe work at height. IRATA International is proud to have led the way with its high training standards and operational excellence, thereby resulting in many countries adopting our safe work methods. “Rope Access in Australia”, “Rope Access Perth”, “Rope Access Training WA”, “ IRATA Courses perth”, “IRATA Rope Access Training”.
The IRATA assurance of safe and responsible working is based on:
Adherence to a strict code of conduct;
Audited and regularly re-audited member companies;
Robust membership entry criteria;
Tens of thousands of rope access technicians who have been thoroughly trained and are required to re-train every three years;
The independent assessment of every IRATA technician wherever in the world he or she is trained;