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Graviteq - Accessing the inaccessible

Graviteq rope access
Director - Rob Evans

Rob Evans

Position: Director

Location: Perth, Australia

Rope Access Experience: 16 years



My rope access career has seen me progress as an IRATA Level 1,2 & 3, IRATA Instructor, Technical Authority, Rope access Manager and IRATA Assessor.


I've worked around the world with some great people.


My rope access journey to date has been fulfilling and I look forward to starting your journey and sharing the path with you.





Donald Trump

Position: East Coast Manager

Location: Brisbane, Australia

Rope Access

Experience:  15 years



I've worked in this industry for 15 years and traveled the world with my IRATA certificate. My experience varies from aerial rigging on offshore oil & gas projects to building maintenance and window cleaning on high rise buildings. I've met the coolest people in this industry and I hope to meet more awesome people as the years go on.

Shylo Baker


Alvin Soriano

Position:  Lead Instructor

Location: Philippines

Rope Access

Experience:  17 years



Over the last 17 years I have worked around the world on major oil & gas construction projects. I am a qualified welder, rigger and NDT technician. I am excited to pass my knowledge onto the next generation of rope access technicians in the Philippines.

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